如果你身邊有親人 因自殺而離你而去 並讓你久久難以釋懷...
有時所有事情看似都進入了死胡同 但其實一轉身 又是另一條大道了
一開始聽到這首歌 並沒有很注意
但在看MV時 很好奇為什麼導演會故意把畫面拍的這麼晃動和不清楚
去查了歌詞再看過一次MV 就都懂了...
這次Owl City 是個story teller
他只負責說故事 說事實 但卻那麼的鼓舞人心...
Owl City - This Isn't The End / 貓頭鷹城市 - 這不是終場(*=註解)
An eight year old girl had a panic attack
'Cause the father she loved left and never looked back
她所愛的父親離去了 並從未回頭
No longer the hero, she counted on
她依賴的英雄 不復存在
He told her he loved her and then he was gone
他曾告訴她 他愛她 但現在 他離去了
She tried to look happy in front of her friends
But knew that she'd never feel normal again
She fought back the tears as they filled her eyes
當淚塞滿眼眶 她試著把眼淚吞下去
And wanted him back just to tell him goodbye
想要他回來 至少好好的說聲"再見"3
When the rain falls down
When it all turns around
When the light goes out, this isn't the end
當燈火熄滅 這並不是結束
Her dad was a good guy that everyone liked
她父親是個好人 深受大家喜愛
But nobody knew he was dying inside
但沒人知道 他心頭是多麼無力
He promised his family he'd be all right
他向他的家人承諾 他會振作起來
And then with a gunshot he left them behind
一聲槍響 他留下了家庭
When the rain falls down
When it all turns around
When the light goes out, this isn't the end
當燈火熄滅 這並不是結局
When the rain falls down
When it all turns around
When the light goes out, this isn't the end, no
當希望離去 這並不是終場
The role of a father, he never deserved
他不是個 稱職的父親
He abandoned his daughter and never returned
他丟下了女兒 從未歸來
And over the years though the pain was real
多年過去 那些傷痛仍存在著
She finally forgave him, and started to heal
她終於原諒了父親 傷口開始結痂
How close to the ending? Well, nobody knows
她曾多靠近絕望 噢 沒人曉得
The future's a mystery and anything goes
沒人知道未來會是怎樣 但時間並不會停下腳步4
Love is confusing and life is hard
愛變的很難懂 生活也是非常困難
You fight to survive 'cause you made it this far
但 你(她)苟延殘喘的仍堅持下去 走到了今天
It's all too astounding to comprehend
途中的苦 沒有人能體會
It's just the beginning, this isn't the end
但 這只是開始 並不是終場
It's just the beginning, this isn't the end
這只是開始 不是結局
1 panic attack就是指人生中很大的打擊
2 never feel normal again 這裡雖翻作"不再感到完整" 但意思是比較接近"感覺不到任何的自在"
3 And wanted him back just to tell him goodbye / 想要他回來 至少好好的說聲"再見"
較完整的心境為 "如果你真的要走 真的想走 真的得走 那至少回來一下 讓我可以好好的跟你道別 好嗎?"
4 The future's a mystery and anything goes / 沒人知道未來會是怎樣 但時間並不會停下腳步
Anything goes的直翻意思為 "但一切事物都得走向未來呀!"